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Digital Mailbox

Digital mailbox users get a digital mailbox number at your address location, where their mail is received and digitally inserted into the system via a photo from a smart phone or scanner and quickly uploaded. Users…

  • Are alerted via auto-email when they have new mail, know exactly what they have in their mailbox and who sent each item, no matter where they are in the U.S. or the world.
  • Can use any laptop, tablet or smartphone to forward or consolidate mail and packages, request a document scan to receive a PDF in their mailbox for immediate viewing, shred or recycle unwanted items, add a phone or fax number, and deposit checks.
  • Get real time shipping quotes using your shipping rates for the carriers and services that you want to offer and set the ship date they want for each item, or consolidate mail or packages to save on shipping.
  • Can digitally archive scanned mail content or upload documents to the cloud storage system.
  • Can identify and block junk mail from cluttering their mailbox and recycle unwanted items for a greener environment.
  • Will think of their digital mailbox as an indispensable part of their daily life, and connect with your mail center on a daily basis.